
Nonlinear ship wave simulation using an automatic mesh generation method

  • 摘要:
    目的 针对船体绕流非线性波面和船体湿表面交互变化的复杂过程,提出一种用于船舶航行兴波模拟的网格自动生成方法。
    方法 该方法以三角形的全船网格文件作为输入,在船舶航行兴波数值计算中随自由面变化自动生成自由面和瞬时湿表面网格,可自动处理含复杂艏艉线型的任意船型,具有强鲁棒性。基于提出的方法模拟KCS船在不同航速下的兴波。
    结果 数值模拟的船侧波高、船体周围的自由面波形以及兴波阻力与试验结果吻合良好,且在较高速的航行工况下,模拟的KCS艉部兴波波面始终保持在艉封板下方,干艉现象有所体现。
    结论 结果表明,所提方法可准确模拟船舶非线性兴波,且具有模拟方艉船型兴波特征的潜力。


    Objectives  To simulate the complex nonlinear interactions between the free surface and instantaneous wetted hull surface during ship navigation, an automatic mesh generation method is proposed.
    Methods The method takes a whole-hull triangular mesh file as the input and automatically generates meshes for the instantaneously transforming free surface and wetted hull surface. It is able to handle arbitrary hullforms with complex bow and stern geometries while exhibiting strong robustness. Simulations of waves generated by a KCS hull at various speeds are then conducted using the proposed method.
    Results The predicted ship-side wave profiles, wave patterns around the hull, and wave-making resistance show good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover, at higher speeds, the simulated wave surface at the KCS stern consistently stays below the transom, exhibiting a dry transom characteristic.
    Conclusions The results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately model nonlinear ship waves and has the potential to simulate the flow fields around transom-stern ships.


