Contens of CJSR 2019, Vol.14, No.2
摘要: 1 冰区航行船舶推进器特殊性分析…王超,韩康,汪春辉,李兴(1)2 基于重叠网格的船模停船操纵CFD数值模拟…孙晨光,王建华,万德成(8)3 小型无人帆船Z形操纵性能预测分析…孙烨,司先才,马靖丰,谭俊哲,张雪飞,王树杰(15)4 小水线面三体船与细长型三体船剩余阻力对比分析…张明霞,韩兵兵,卢鹏程(21)5 混合对转推进系统水动力性征数值研究…曾旺,李晔,秦江涛(30)6 基于TRIZ理论的舰船防护舱壁结构型式生成研究…肖肯,李德聪,戴文喜,张弩,吴国民,贺双元(36)7 多开口甲板板架结构极限承载力实验研究…周红昌,孔祥韶,袁天,吴卫国(45)8 含新型连接型式的潜艇内部平面舱壁结构设计及模型试验验证…田旭军,耿黎明,胡刚义(51)9 半圆形初始裂纹在交变拉伸载荷下的裂尖应力场数值模拟…周晓松,张焱冰,张岳林(57)10 含初始裂纹铝合金板在反复冲击载荷下的动态响应…段芳娟,刘敬喜,解德(63)11 FPSO单点系泊系统导缆器疲劳寿命预报方法…乐京霞,王思宇,刘玉亮,陈鹏飞,姚国全(70)12 水下环肋圆锥壳临界压力-频率特性分析…张帅,李天匀,郭文杰,朱翔,林子钦(77)13 水下圆柱壳自由场声辐射特性的获取…林伟,夏茂龙,孟春霞,黎胜(83)14 约束空间内爆超压载荷影响因素二维数值模拟…徐维铮,吴卫国(91)15 一种射流式冷却挡焰板的气动设计与数值分析…颜世伟,晋文超,谭大力,田云(99)16 舰船综合电力系统分析技术研究现状与展望…王守相,孟子涵(107)17 基于物联网技术的电力推进船舶电能质量监视系统设计…卓金宝,施伟锋,兰莹,邓冉然(118)18 舰船中压直流电力系统的混合储能管理策略仿真分析…郭燚,于士振,郭将驰,李晗(126)19 基于弯矩影响系数的轴系安装状态评估逆计算方法…陈昊,周瑞平,雷俊松,张建军(137)20 基于一方程转捩模型的狭缝冲击射流传热数值模拟…黄华坤,张桂勇,孙铁志,宗智(144)21 汽轮给水机组切换工况下船舶蒸汽动力系统的响应特性…杨元龙,吴金祥,郑子都,吴炜,孙玲(150)22 基于测试分析和RELS-TSVM的舰船系统固有能力评估…范敏,高饶翔,乐天,彭辉(156)Abstract: 1 Analysis on the particularity of propulsor of ice-going ships…Wang Chao,Han Kang,Wang Chunhui,et al (1)2 CFD numerical simulations of stopping maneuver of ship model using overset grid technology…Sun Chenguang, Wang Jianhua, Wan Decheng (8)3 Predictive analysis on zigzag maneuverability of small saildrone…Sun Ye,Si Xiancai,Ma Jingfeng,et al (15)4 Comparative analysis on residual resistance of trimaran with small waterplane area center hull and slender trimaran…Zhang Mingxia,Han Bingbing,Lu Pengcheng (21)5 Numerical study on hydrodynamic characteristics of hybrid contra-rotating propeller…Zeng Wang,Li Ye,Qin Jiangtao (30)6 Concept configuration of hull protective bulkhead based on TRIZ theory…Xiao Ken,Li Decong,Dai Wenxi,et al (36)7 Experimental study on the ultimate bearing capacity of deck grillage structure with multiple openings…Zhou Hongchang,Kong Xiangshao, Yuan Tian,et al (45)8 Design and model test verification of internal plane bulkhead with new connection structure in a submarine…Tian Xujun,Geng Liming,Hu Gangyi (51)9 Numerical simulation of tip stress field of semi-circular initial crack subjected to alternating tensile loads…Zhou Xiaosong,Zhang Yanbing,Zhang Yuelin (57)10 Dynamic response of aluminum alloy plate with initial cracks under repeated impacts…Duan Fangjuan,Liu Jingxi,Xie De (63)11 Fatigue life prediction method for fairlead of single point mooring system of FPSO…Yue Jingxia,Wang Siyu,Liu Yuliang,et al (70)12 Critical pressure-frequency characteristics analysis for ring-stiffened submerged conical shells…Zhang Shuai,Li Tianyun,Guo Wenjie,et al (77)13 The acquisition of acoustic radiation characteristics of underwater cylindrical free-field…Lin Wei,Xia Maolong,Meng Chunxia,et al (83)14 Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the factors influencing the explosion overpressure load inside the confined space…Xu Weizheng,Wu Weiguo (91)15 Aerodynamic design and numerical analysis of jet cooling blast deflector…Yan Shiwei,Jin Wenchao,Tan Dali,et al (99)16 Current status and prospects of analysis technologies of shipboard integrated power system…Wang Shouxiang,Meng Zihan (107)17 Design of power quality monitoring system for electric propulsion ship based on IoT technology…Zhuo Jinbao,Shi Weifeng,Lan Ying,et al (118)18 Simulation analysis on hybrid energy storage management strategy in warship medium voltage DC power system…Guo Yi,Yu Shizhen,Guo Jiangchi,et al(126)19 Inverse calculation method of shaft system installation status evaluation based on bending moment influence coefficient…Chen Hao,Zhou Ruiping,Lei Junsong,et al(137)20 Numerical simulation of slot jet impingement heat transfer based on one-equation intermittency transition model…Huang Huakun,Zhang Guiyong,Sun Tiezhi,et al (144)21 Response characteristics of ship steam power system under switchover of turbine feed water pump…Yang Yuanlong,Wu Jinxiang,Zheng Zidu,et al (150)22 Evaluation of inherent capacity of ship system based on test analysis and RELS-TSVM…Fan Min,Gao Raoxiang,Le Tian,et al (156)