
Contens of CJSR 2017, Vol.11, No.4

  • 摘要: 1 科学意识是舰艇创新的重要维度…吴崇建(1)2 船舶艉部激励耦合振动噪声机理研究进展与展望…华宏星, 俞强(6)3 有源噪声控制技术及其在舰船中的应用…陈克安(17)4 系统工程思维在减振降噪工作中的应用…盛美萍, 王敏庆, 李巧娇(22)5 基于有限元—统计能量数值混响室法的声学包设计与优化…杨德庆, 石嘉欣, 郁扬(26)6 船舶声学包性能及配置优化设计…杨德庆, 许子璇, 高处(35)7 基于统计能量分析的船舶舱室阻尼降噪布置优化…吴卫国, 魏杰证, 林永水, 范明伟, 甘进(41)8 基于几何声学的船舶舱室声学设计方法…冯爱景,魏强, 张大海(49)9 基于模态与振动传递函数分析的低噪声液压站设计…孙营辉, 李志印, 李佳, 彭文波(55)10 有限浸深圆柱壳振动及远场声辐射的解析方法…郭文杰, 李天匀, 朱翔, 张帅(62)11 结构频带振动声辐射的有限元结合频率均方声压法数值计算…高宏林, 黎胜(71)12 湍流边界层激励下平板辐射噪声数值计算方法…李祖荟, 陈美霞(76)13 喷水推进器水下辐射噪声边界元计算方法…刘强, 王永生, 张明宇, 易文彬, 魏应三(83)14 统计能量法计算水下圆柱壳辐射噪声准确性的验证与分析…张恺, 纪刚, 周其斗, 刘文玺(89)15 任意边界及耦合条件下的多跨梁结构振动特性…郑超凡, 吴晓光, 张成(95)16 基于傅里叶级数法的开孔板振动固有特性分析…王旻昊, 李凯, 邱永康 , 李天匀 , 朱翔(102)17 某科考船艉部舱段振动固有频率计算方法…刘西安, 吴广明, 李伟杰(110)18 流激开孔和空腔结构耦合振动噪声试验研究…熊济时, 吕世金, 邱昌林, 王春旭, 陈志刚(117)19 充液管路低频线谱噪声有源控制试验研究…孙运平, 孙红灵, 张维, 王晗, 杨军(122)20 混响场互易常数的测量方法…孙俊东, 尚大晶, 孙小越(128)21 混合驱动水下滑翔机自噪声测量及分析…刘璐, 肖灵(132)22 双层圆柱壳异常噪声源定位试验研究与应用…李瑞彪, 徐荣武, 崔立林, 余文晶(140)23 基于矢量声压组合基阵的柱面分布噪声源近场高分辨定位方法…左翔, 陈欢(147)


    Abstract: 1 Scientific consciousness: an important dimension in ship innovation…WU Chongjian(1)2 Structural and acoustic response due to excitation from ship stern: overview and suggestions for future research…HUA Hongxing, YU Qiang(6)3 Active noise control technique and its application on ships…CHEN Kean(17)4 Application of system concept in vibration and noise reduction…SHENG Meiping, WANG Minqing, LI Qiaojiao(22)5 Design and optimization of sound package using FE-SEA numerical reverberation method…YANG Deqing, SHI Jiaxin, YU Yang(26)6 Acoustic performance design and optimal allocation of sound package in ship cabin noise reduction…YANG Deqing, XU Zixuan, GAO Chu(35)7 Damping layout optimization for ship's cabin noise reduction based on statistical energy analysis…WU Weiguo, WEI Jiezheng, LIN Yongshui, et al(41)8 Acoustic design method of ship's cabin based on geometrical acoustics…FENG Aijing, WEI Qiang, ZHANG Dahai(49)9 Low-noise hydraulic power unit design based on vibration modal and transfer function analysis…SUN Yinghui, LI Zhiyin, LI Jia, et al(55)10 Analytical research of vibration and far-field acoustic radiation of cylindrical shell immersed at finite depth…GUO Wenjie, LI Tianyun, ZHU Xiang, et al(62)11 Numerical calculation of acoustic radiation from band-vibrating structures via FEM/FAQP method…GAO Honglin, LI Sheng(71)12 Numerical method for calculating sound radiation characteristics of plate structure excited by turbulent boundary layer…LI Zuhui, CHEN Meixia(76)13 Prediction of waterjet excited underwater radiated noise by boundary element method…LIU Qiang, WANG Yongsheng, ZHANG Mingyu, et al(83)14 Accuracy verification and analysis of SEA method for calculating radiation noise pressure of submerged cylindrical shell…ZHANG Kai, JI Gang, ZHOU Qidou, et al(89)15 Vibration analysis of multi-span beam system under arbitrary boundary and coupling conditions…ZHENG Chaofan, WU Xiaoguang, ZHANG Cheng(95)16 Free vibration characteristics analysis of rectangular plate with rectangular opening based on Fourier series method …WANG Minhao, LI Kai, QIU Yongkang, et al(102)17 Calculation method for natural vibration frequency of stern cabin in oceanographic research vessel…LIU Xi'an, WU Guangming, LI Weijie(110)18 Experiments of opening and cavity shear flow-induced vibration and structural coupling resonance…XIONG Jishi, LV Shijin, QIU Changlin, et al(117)19 Experimental research into active control of low-frequency line spectral disturbances in liquid-filled pipe…SUN Yunping, SUN Hongling, ZHANG Wei, et al(122)20 Measurement method of reverberation field reciprocity parameter…SUN Jundong, SHANG Dajing, SUN Xiaoyue(128)21 Measurement and analysis of self-noise in hybrid-driven underwater gliders…LIU Lu, XIAO Ling(132)22 Research and application of abnormal noise source positioning experiment based on double cylindrical shell…LI Ruibiao, XU Rongwu, CUI Lilin, et al(140)23 Near-field and high-resolution cylindrical noise source location method based on vector sound pressure array…ZUO Xiang, CHEN Huan(147)


