
Contens of CJSR 2017, Vol.11, No.2

  • 摘要: 1 规则波浪中舰船纯稳性丧失计算研究…朱军,刘瑞杰,葛义军,王智宇,黄昆仑(1)2 超大型集装箱船参数横摇全面校核与安全评估…马骋远,马宁,王廷昊,顾解忡(7)3 基于NURBS的球艏构型参数优化与分析…张文山,卢晓平,王中(16)4 基于CFD的双艉客船阻力特性分析…赵丙乾,方昭昭,喻露,陈庆任(23)5 基于团队绩效的作战舱室工效评价模型…杨致怡,刘双,廖镇,樊垚(29)6 计及风浪环境影响的水面舰船作战能力评估方法…张恒,朱军(36)7 FORAN导出的JT模型特征节点合并算法…方雄兵(43)8 新型水面舰艇防护结构模型制作工艺及装舰可行性分析…郑盼,李永清,朱锡,熊虎(51)9 水下非接触爆炸下船体爆炸弯矩简化计算方法…吴广明,陈炜,吴敌,李正国(58)10 爆炸波高精度数值计算程序开发及应用…徐维铮,吴卫国(64)11 基于ABAQUS的海冰单元开发及冰载荷直接计算法…龚榆峰,张正艺,刘敬喜,董问,解德(75)12 基于直接计算的三体船结构疲劳强度影响因素分析…甄春博,王天霖,于鹏垚(86)13 南极磷虾拖网加工船双桁架系统设计…周春凯,王威(91)14 二回路非能动余热排出系统设计要素分析…张红岩,师二兵,方成跃(98)15 舰船轴系纵向减振器参数优化方法…刘金林,赖国军,曾凡明(105)16 基于航行阻力优化的近水面机器人减纵摇控制…姚绪梁,孟令卫,牛小丽(111)17 柴电混合电力推进船舶负载频率H鲁棒控制…李洪跃,王锡淮,肖健梅,陈晨(120)18 基于透析膜的高乳化油污水分离特性试验…王良武,李慧子,谢承利,刘喜元(128)19 面向体系结构的作战任务剖面建模仿真方法…陈霞(135)20 舰船海水管系腐蚀风险分析与综合评估方法…杨光付,裘达夫,潘金杰,滕艳娜,雍兴跃(142)


    Abstract: 1 Pure loss of stability calculation of naval ship in regular waves…ZHU Jun,LIU Ruijie,GE Yijun,et al (1)2 Comprehensive calculation and safety assessment of parametric roll of very large container ship…MA Chengyuan,MA Ning,WANG Tinghao,et al (7)3 NURBS-based parametric optimization and design of bulbous bow…ZHANG Wenshan,LU Xiaoping,WANG Zhong (16)4 Ananysis of resistance characteristics of twin-skeg passenger ship based on CFD…ZHAO Bingqian,FANG Zhaozhao,YU Lu,et al (23)5 Ergonomic evaluation model of operational room based on team performance…YANG Zhiyi,LIU Shuang,LIAO Zhen,et al (29)6 Combat capability evaluation method of surface warship considering impact of wind and waves…ZHANG Heng,ZHU Jun (36)7 An algorithm for merging part nodes of JT models exported by FORAN…FANG Xiongbing (43)8 Mock-up development of new warship protective armor structure and feasibility analysis of ship installation…ZHENG Pan,LI Yongqing,ZHU Xi,et al (51)9 Calculation of explosion bending moment in hull girders subjected to non-contact underwater explosions…WU Guangming,CHEN Wei,WU Di,et al (58)10 Development of in-house high-resolution hydrocode for assessment of blast waves and its application…XU Weizheng,WU Weiguo (64)11 Development of sea ice element and direct analysis method of predicting ice loads based on ABAQUS…GONG Yufeng,ZHANG Zhengyi,LIU Jingxi,et al (75)12 Influencing factor analysis for direct calculation of trimaran structure's fatigue strength…ZHEN Chunbo,WANG Tianlin,YU Pengyao (86)13 Twin-truss system design for antarctic krill trawl processing ship…ZHOU Chungkai,WANG Wei (91)14 Design factors analyses of second-loop PRHRS…ZHANG Hongyan,SHI Erbing,FANG Chengyue (98)15 Parameter optimization method for longitudinal vibration absorber of ship shaft system…LIU Jinlin,LAI Guojun,ZENG Fanming (105)16 LQR pitch control strategy of AUVs based on the optimum of sailing resistance…YAO Xuliang,MENG Lingwei,NIU Xiaoli (111)17 H robust control of load frequency in diesel-battery hybrid electric propulsion ship…LI Hongyue,WANG Xihuai,XIAO Jianmei,et al (120)18 Disposal testing characteristics of highly emulsified oily wastewater based on dialysis membranes…WANG Liangwu,LI Huizi,XIE Chengli,et al (128)19 Architecture oriented modeling and simulation method for combat mission profile…CHEN Xia (135)20 Corrosion risk assessment and comprehensive evaluation of ship sea water pipe systems…YANG Guangfu,QIU Dafu,PAN Jinjie,et al (142)


