
Contens of CJSR 2015,Vol.10,No.1

  • 摘要: 1新一代水面舰艇作战系统发展理念及途径…董晓明(1)
    2船体结构砰击总体载荷理论研究综述…汪雪良, 杨鹏, 顾学康, 胡嘉骏(7)
    3水动力载荷下复合材料螺旋桨强度评估…陈悦, 朱锡, 黄政, 周振龙(19)
    4一种复合材料—钢连接结构极限承载能力试验与数值研究…孙九霄, 郑绍文, 蔡敬标(27)
    5水下近场爆炸双层防护结构抗爆能力的数值模拟分析…陈崧, 杨雄辉, 唐文勇, 郭娅, 苏怡然(32)
    6基于UMAT的冰—结构相互作用数值仿真…吕保达, 刘敬喜, 解德, 龚榆峰(39)
    7加筋板弹塑性断裂的J积分计算…王红 , 杨平, 邓军林, 董琴(46)
    8残余应力对水下耐压结构典型焊接接头疲劳强度的影响…张沛心, 李良碧(51)
    9三维PIV应用于船舶精细流场测试研究进展…李茂华, 龚杰(58)
    10直接边界元法解势流速度场问题…李井煜, 卢晓平, 赵鹏伟(68)
    11波浪中船舶操纵性数值预报及自航模验证…朱冬健, 马宁, 顾解忡, 邓德衡(76)
    12螺旋桨轴承力计算方法的对比分析…朱鹏, 毕毅, 叶金铭(83)
    13FPSO液舱晃荡与船舶时域耦合运动数值模拟…操戈, 李旭, 张咏鸥, 王康(88)
    14船艉开槽型安装船及其运动特性数值分析…刘旭平, 唐友刚, 张少洋(97)
    15水下航行器固有频率模型的可靠性分析…刘克勤, 李天匀, 朱翔, 黄惜春(103)
    16基于改进FBS理论的浮筏隔振系统计算方法…游彩霞, 张光德, 何雪松, 胡溧(109)
    17新型封闭式桅杆空调系统数值仿真及实验验证…陈红超, 宋靠华, 李栋, 王吉(114)
    18摇摆运动对过冷沸腾传热特性影响的机理分析…郑福明, 王畅(121)


    Abstract: 1Development Concepts and Approaches of the Next Generation Combat System for Surface Combatant Ships … DONG Xiaoming(1)
    2Review of the Theoretical Investigation of Slamming of Global Wave Loads on Ship Structures …WANG Xueliang, YANG Peng, GU Xuekang, et al(7)
    3Strength Evaluation of the Composite Propeller Under Hydrodynamic Fluid Load … CHEN Yue, ZHU Xi, HUANG Zheng, et al(19)
    4The Experimental and Numerical Research on the Extreme Bearing Capacity of a Composite-Steel Connecting Structure…SUN Jiuxiao, ZHENG Shaowen, CAI Jingbiao(27)
    5Numerical Simulation on the Explosion-Resistance Capability of Double Shell Structures Subjected to Underwater Near-Field Explosion…CHEN Song, YANG Xionghui, TANG Wenyong, et al(32)
    6Numerical Simulation of Ice-Structure Interaction Based on UMAT … LV Baoda, LIU Jingxi, XIE De, et al (39)
    7Elasto-Plastic Fracture Analysis of J Integration for Stiffened Plates … WANG Hong, YANG Ping , DENG Junlin, et al(46)
    8Influences of Residual Stress on the Fatigue Strength of the Typical Welded Joint of the Underwater Pressure Structure…ZHANG Peixin, LI Liangbi(51)
    9Development of 3D-PIV Applied on Fine Flow Field Testing of Ships…LI Maohua, GONG Jie(58)
    10Direct Boundary Element Method for the Problem of Potential Flow Velocity Field … LI Jingyu, LU Xiaoping, ZHAO Pengwei(68)
    11Numerical Prediction and Free-Running Model Validation of Ship Maneuvering in Waves … ZHU Dongjian, MA Ning, GU Xiechong, et al(76)
    12Comparison Analysis of Three Kinds of Computational Methods for the Bearing Force of Propellers …ZHU Peng, BI Yi, YE Jinming(83)
    13Numerical Simulation of Ship Motion Coupled with Tank Sloshing for FPSO …CAO Ge, LI Xu, ZHANG Yongou, et al(88)
    14Numerical Study on the Motion Characteristics of a New Slotted Stern Marine Engineering Installation Vessels…LIU Xuping, TANG Yougang, ZHANG Shaoyang(97)
    15The Reliability Analysis of an Underwater Vehicle Model Based on Natural Frequency … LIU Keqin, LI Tianyun, ZHU Xiang, et al(103)
    16The Calculation Method of the Isolation System Based on the Improved FBS Theory … YOU Caixia, ZHANG Guangde, HE Xuesong, et al(109)
    17Numerical Simulation and Validation of the Air-Conditioning System Design for New Enclosed Masts … CHEH Hongchao, SONG Kaohua, LI Dong, et al(114)
    18Mechanism Analysis of Heat Transferring Characteristic in Sub-Cooled Boiling Under Rolling Motion … ZHENG Fuming, WANG Chang(121)
    19Analysis of the Relation Between the Magnetic Field of Degassing Winding and Steel Magnetization … WU Zixia(126)


