
Acoustic performance design and optimal allocation of sound package in ship cabin noise reduction

  • 摘要:
      目的  声学包是通过对基体材料、阻尼材料、吸声材料和隔声材料的组合设计,完成预定降噪效果的声学部件,是未来船舶舱室低噪声设计的关键技术。
      方法  提出一种声学包性能评估的统计能量数值模型,用于解决船用声学包设计与快速评估问题。建立声学包选型及其在舱室中的配置优化设计模型及数学列式,采用遗传算法求解声学包选型与配置优化问题。
      结果  通过实例,验证了所提出模型及设计方法的有效性。
      结论  研究成果对于实现声学包优化设计工作的标准化和程序化,有效减少声学包降噪设计成本具有参考价值。


    Abstract: The sound package in noise reduction design of ship cabins has become the main approach for the future. The sound package is a specially designed acoustic component consisting of damping materials, absorption materials, sound isolation materials and base structural materials which can achieve the prescribed performance of noise reduction. Based on the Statistical Energy Analysis(SEA)method, quick evaluation and design methods, and the optimal allocation theory of sound packages are investigated. The standard numerical acoustic performance evaluation model, sound package optimization design model and sound package optimal allocation model are presented. A genetic algorithm is applied to solve the presented optimization problems. Design examples demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed models and solutions. The presented theory and methods benefit the standardization and programming of sound package design, and decrease noise reduction costs.


