
Stress strength characteristics analysis of sphere-toroid-cylinder combined shell

  • 摘要:
      目的  球面舱壁以其较高的容重比和材料利用率等优点被广泛应用于大潜深潜器中,球-环-柱组合型式的球面舱壁结构形式简单,力学性能清晰,建造工艺难度相对较低,具有较好的工程适用性。为了研究球-环-柱组合型式的球面舱壁结构在均匀外压下的应力强度特性,
      方法  结合壳体控制方程,建立适用于球面舱壁结构强度计算的Riccati传递矩阵法,在此基础上讨论球壳半径、过渡环半径、边界刚度等参数对球-环-柱球面舱壁结构强度的影响;结合工程应用,初步提出能表征球面舱壁几何形状和力学特性的扁平度概念,研究其对结构强度的影响作用,并给出扁平度的建议取值范围,在此范围内,环肋柱壳对球-环组合壳形成的力学约束可近似认为是简支约束。
      结果  研究表明,当球-环-柱组合型式的球面舱壁结构的扁平度取值为0.5~0.6时,应力强度性能良好。
      结论  所得结果可为球-环-柱结构设计提供参考。


    Abstract: Spherical bulkheads are widely used in large-deep submersibles due to their high volume-weight ratio and material utilization. The sphere-toroid-cylinder combined spherical bulkhead has the advantages of a simple structural style, clear mechanical property and relatively low construction difficulty, resulting in great engineering applicability. In this paper, spherical bulkheads with sphere-toroid-cylinder combination are studied, and their stress strength characteristics under uniform external pressure are analyzed. The Riccati transfer matrix method is used for the calculation of spherical bulkhead structure by combining shell control equations. The paper is concerned with the stress strength analysis of the sphere-toroid-cylinder combined spherical bulkhead under external even pressure. To improve the performance of the structural strength of spherical bulkheads, the influences of parameters including sphere shell radius, toroid shell radius and boundary rigidity on the stress strength of the sphere-toroid-cylinder combined shell are discussed using the Riccati transfer matrix method. In order to depict the geometric figure and mechanical character of the bulkhead, the concept of 'flatness' is proposed, and the suggested range of 'flatness' is given. In this range, the mechanical constraints of the ring-stiffened cylinder acting on the sphere-toroid combined shell may be taken as simple support, thus simplifying the calculation of structural strength. The conclusions drawn from this paper can be used as reference points for the design of sphere-toroid-cylinder combined shell structures.


