
Hull lines optimization based on the evaluation of seakeeping performance

  • 摘要: 船舶耐波性是评价船舶性能的一个重要指标。随着船上装备的精密仪器与武器系统越来越多,如何保证这些系统平稳正常地工作是每一个船舶设计者所关心的问题。然而船舶耐波性与快速性是一对矛盾的指标,为了解决这一问题,合理确定耐波性评价指标是关键因素之一。通过船模试验得到人们最关心的5个耐波性指标数据:纵摇幅值、升沉幅值、船艏加速度、船舯加速度和船艉加速度,并以此来评价船舶的耐波性能。在保证波浪增阻小于某一阈值的情况下进一步对船舶型线进行改进,以期提高船舶耐波性。同时,为了保证试验的准确性,将船模在不规则波试验中的运动响应结果与通过规则波试验的预报值进行对比,结果表明:改进后的5个船舶耐波性指标数据均有所减小,达到了设计目标。


    Abstract: The seakeeping performance of ships is an important index of evaluating ship performance. With an increasing number of instruments and weapons systems being used in shipbuilding, the issue con-cerning how to keep these systems working is of vital importance to ship designers. However, as the ship's seakeeping performance is contradictory with its speed performance, a reasonable evaluation scheme of the seakeeping performance is essential. In this paper, five sets of data of the sea-keeping performance that re-ceive most attention-pitch amplitude, heave amplitude, acceleration in the bow, the amidships, and the stern-are obtained through model tests. The hull lines are then optimized to improve the sea-keeping per-formance with the added resistance being limited within a certain threshold. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the accuracy of the tests, the response of ship motion in irregular waves is compared with the experimental values, and results show that the five indicators for sea-keeping performance of modified ships are success-fully optimized to meet the design goals.


