
Design of bandpass miniaturized frequency selective surfaces composed of non-resonant elements

  • 摘要: 提出一种从等效电路角度出发设计基于非谐振单元频率选择表面(FSS)的方法。该方法所用的FSS单元尺寸仅为自由空间中电磁波波长的1/10左右,其采用最简单的金属贴片和十字栅格作为多层FSS单元交错层叠,实现类比集总带通滤波网络的特性;利用成熟的集总滤波网络理论并借助高频电路仿真软件ADS设计相应的等效电路模型,并在电磁场全波仿真软件HFSS中进一步小范围优化FSS单元的参数以达到设计目标。该方法可简化传统方法中繁琐的解析计算,有效缩短FSS的设计周期。根据设计和仿真的结果制作样品,并在搭建的测试环境中测试样品的透过率,发现结果与预期相符,其性能满足作为隐身雷达天线罩的要求,可以有效降低带外的雷达散射截面。


    Abstract: In this paper, a new procedure for designing frequency selective surface(FSS) composed of non-resonant elements is presented from the perspective of a equivalent circuit model. The procedure uses the periodic metallic patches and grids structure with the units of only λ/10 in dimensions, which realizes the similar property of the lumped bandpass filter network. Taking the advantages of the ripe theory of the lumped filter network and the convenience of high frequency circuit simulation software ADS and full-wave simulation software HFSS, the lumped bandpass filter network can be well designed and than converted to FSS element through an equivalent model. Compared with the traditional procedure, the new one simplifies the complicated calculation and makes the design more efficient. A sample of FSS fabricated to verify the validity of the design has been tested in the transmission coefficient system. The result meets the expectation and requirement of a stealthy radome, significantly reducing the radar cross section(RCS).


