
Analysis and Comparison of Model Trial Results and Ship Resistance Atlas Calculation

  • 摘要: 对现有船舶阻力快速预报方法进行比较分析,给出适用于不同吨位下肥大型船舶的阻力计算方法。结合国内近年来建造的几艘不同吨位的新型肥大型船舶模型试验资料,将图谱计算结果与模型试验数据进行对比、分析,研究其中的规律,结果表明,对于较大吨位的中、高速船舶阻力,兰坡凯勒法在适用范围和精度上要优于艾亚法, 而较小吨位的中、低速船舶则采用艾亚法要适合一些。


    Abstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis on the rapid estimation of ship resistance, putting forward a corresponding method for full ships with different tonnages. Combining the model trial data of new type ships with different tonnages provided by domestic authorities in recent years, this paper compares the result with model test data. It is concluded that the Lap-Keller method is more applicable to large tonnage ships under mid-high speed, while the Ayre method is more applicable to small tonnage ships under middle-low speed.


