
Analysis of the Sortie Generation Capacity of Embarked Airwings by Using the State Transition Diagram

  • 摘要: 为了研究“尼米兹”级航空母舰的舰载机出动能力目标与航空保障能力需求之间的复杂关系,首先根据舰载机的航空保障作业流程抽象出6个状态,并采用状态变迁图描述其任务剖面;其次,由舰载机出动指标推演出航空兵力的任务剖面,根据任务剖面绘制相应的状态变迁图;最后,基于状态变迁图分析甲板作业、调运作业等航空保障能力需求。实例表明,状态变迁图是一种系统分析的有效工具。


    Abstract: To investigate the complicated relation between the sortie generation and aviation maintenance of Nimitz class aircraft carrier, three secession steps are suggested in this paper. Firstly, the transition of 6 states is abstracted from the workflow of aviation maintenance to characterize the mission profile of carrier based aircrafts. Then, the mission profile of air wings is deduced from the sortie generation objective, and a state transition diagram is plotted correspondingly. Finally, the demand of aviation maintenance capacity, namely for flight-deck operation and transfer operation, are determined based on the above state transition diagram. It is observed that the proposed method is both effective and efficient for system analysis.


