Whole Scheme Design of the Transverse and Longitudinal Attitude Estimation of Ships
摘要: 随着船舶姿态控制自动化程度的提高,传统的机械式纵横倾姿态角测量装置已不能满足船舶现代化的要求。提出一种船舶纵横倾姿态数字化测量系统的总体框架设计方案,通过旋转变压器对船舶纵横倾姿态信息进行采集,经RDC-19222芯片对旋转变压器输出的模拟电信号进行数字转换,最终借由单片机的控制实现纵横倾姿态角度信息的实时显示。试验证明,该系统性能稳定,测量精度较高,具有较高的实用价值。Abstract: As the development of ship automation,traditional mechanical measurement devices for transverse and longitudinal attitude estimation could not meet the new requirements.The paper proposed a schematic design with a new method of digital measurement system,which collecting the angle information with the rotating transformer,then achieving ADC by RDC-19222 chips.The vertical and horizontal angle information was displayed in real-time under control of the MCU.The results show that the system is stable,accurate,and of high practical value.