Structural-Acoustic Analysis on the Cabin of Underwater Vehicle
摘要: 采用基于模态坐标的有限元/边界元方法,建立水下航行体封闭舱段声学设计模型,利用该耦合分析模型对两端采用刚性圆板封闭的简支舱段结构的振声性能进行分析,并与采用半无限长圆柱形刚性障板代替两端的刚性圆板时的舱段模型计算结果作比较,指出除了少数耦合模态的固有频率附近,当外层圆柱壳周长相对流体中声波波长较小时,采用刚性圆板封闭的两端简支双层加筋圆柱壳与两端采用半无限长圆柱形刚性障板代替刚性圆板时的声辐射规律十分相近。Abstract: The structural-acoustic design model for an enclosed cabin section of underwater vehicle was built up using FEM/BEM method based on modal coordinates,the vibration and sound radiation characteristics were analyzed by this coupled design model for the simple supported finite cylindrical shell ended with rigid circular plates.The results were compared with that of substituting semi-infinite rigid cylindrical baffles for the rigid ci rcular plates.It demonstrates that as the perimeter of the outer cylindrical shell is smaller compared to the wavelength of sound in ambient fluid,the sound radiation law of the simple supported and stiffened double cy lindrical shell ended with rigid circular plates is similar with that extended by two semi-infinite length rigid cylindrical baffles,except the case that is near the natural frequencies of a few coupled modes.