
Prediction and Analysis on Sliding Distance of Carrier-borne Aircraft Landing

  • 摘要: 舰载机成功钩住阻拦索后的减速制动作业受到阻拦索、空气阻力等众多因素的影响。是一个较为复杂的过程。以牛顿第二定律为基础,通过对基本关系方程的推导、求解,并考虑舰载机运动状态的主要影响因素,确定舰载机在航母甲板上减速制动过程中,其滑跑长度、瞬时速度、钩索速度、回航质量、阻拦索长度等基本要素之间的关系,并使用Mathematica软件解出关系式,预报同航舰载机在某条件下的减速制动过程及滑跑距离,最后绘制出二维及三维关系图谱,为相关舰艇的甲板主尺度估算及设计提供理论依据。


    Abstract: The course of carrier-borne aircraft landing after it is hooked is influenced by factors such as arrester wires, air resistance etc, it is complicated. Based on the Newton's Second Law of Motion, this paper deduced and solved basic relation formulas and made an analysis of the key factors which influence the movement of carrier-borne aircraft. The fundamental relationships among the sliding distance, instantaneous speed, hookin g speed, return quality, length of arrester wires etc, in the course of carrier-borne aircraft deceleration, are confirmed by calculation. Software Mathematica was also used to validate the formulas and to predict th e deceleration course as well as the sliding distance of the aircraft. Two dimensional and three dimensional graph are protracted that will provides a theory foundation for scale estimating and design of relative vesse ls.


