Analysis of Technical Risk Origin & Consequence in Development of Naval Vessel
摘要: 在通用风险分析基本原理的基础上,根据舰船各系统设备平行研制的客观需求以及所提出的“中等风险-高风险”转换原理,分析了舰船研制的技术风险来源及后果。系统收集了国外6型大中型水面舰船研制的有关数据,从中得出其技术风险特征数据及其风险后果,提出了研究结论和建议。Abstract: On the basis of the principles of general risk analysis,technique risk origin & consequence in development of naval vessel are explored thoroughly with the help of parallel development of subsystem on the vessel and the Mid-risk-High-risk transition principle in this paper.The data about research and development of six types of naval vessels are collected for analyzing their technique risk characteristics and consequence. Finally the paper gives its conclusion and suggestion.