
Application of Bayesian Discrimination Method in the Experiment of Underwater Explosion

  • 摘要: 介绍Bayes判别法的基本原理,使用该方法对装药在水下爆炸的模拟实验进行分析研究,并在理论和实际中进行了误判概率及爆炸效果的讨论和计算。该方法的有效性对实际应用具有一定的指导作用。


    Abstract: The theory of Bayesian discrimination was introduced prior to the study. Simulation experiment of underwater explosion was conducted and analyzed by this method. The error probability together with the effect of underwater explosion were calculated and discussed both theoretically and practicably. The agreeable results of underwater explosion were achieved by Bayesian discrimination method, and the data of underwater explosion were generated by multidimensional normal distribution. The optimal distances of bomb dropping were determined by this method.


