
Research on the mechanism of the impact of elastic shakedown and dent parameter coupling on the ultimate strength of hull plates under cyclic loading

  • 摘要: 【目的】探究循环载荷下凹痕、焊接初始变形及残余应力对船体板极限强度影响。【方法】利用 ABAQUS 软件,分析不同凹痕尺寸在弹性安定状态下对带初始缺陷船体板极限强度影响,综合考虑多因素(焊接残余应力、材料特性等)构建模型与工况。【结果】表明焊接残余应力影响显著,弹性安定状态后凹痕深度增加降低残余应力释放、加剧塑性变形导致强度下降,凹痕长宽比影响复杂且与应力释放相关。【结论】研究证实,循环载荷下焊接残余应力释放及凹痕参数对含凹痕船体板极限强度有重要影响,对船体结构的设计与优化具有实际的指导意义。


    Abstract: Objectives To investigate the effects of dents, initial welding deformation and residual stress on the ultimate strength of hull plates under cyclic loading. Methods ABAQUS software is used to analyze the effect of different dent sizes on the ultimate strength of hull plate with initial defects under the state of elastic shakedown. The model and working conditions are constructed by considering multiple factors (weld residual stress, material properties, etc.). Results The results indicate that welding residual stress have a significant impact. An increase in dent depth after the state of elastic shakedown reduces residual stress release and intensifies the plastic deformation, leading to a decrease in ultimate strength. The aspect ratio of dents has a complex influence and is related to stress release. Conclusions This study confirms that the release of welding residual stress and dent parameters under cyclic loading have significant effects on the ultimate strength of hull plates with dents, and offers practical guidance for the design and optimization of the hull structure.


