
Research on Time-varying Sideslip Compensation Adaptive LOS Method for Environmental Interference

  • 摘要: 【目的】针对无人艇在复杂环境(如风速变化和初始位置偏差等不确定因素)下路径跟随精度和稳定性不足的问题,提出了一种基于时变侧滑角补偿的自适应LOS制导方法(Time-varying Sideslip Compensation Adaptive LOS, TSC-ALOS)。【方法】通过实时测量风速和风向数据,TSC-ALOS方法能够动态补偿环境扰动引起的侧滑角变化,优化航向输出,增强系统的适应性与鲁棒性。利用实海域数值仿真,在无风、固定风和随机风三种工况下,分别对TSC-ALOS、ALOS(Adaptive LOS)和传统LOS算法进行性能对比,重点分析横向跟踪偏差与航向稳定性等指标。【结果】仿真结果显示,在无风环境中,TSC-ALOS与ALOS算法的路径跟随精度均优于传统LOS,尤其在路径转弯处表现突出;在风速分别为8.37 m/s和16.73 m/s的固定风与随机风工况下,TSC-ALOS显著降低了横向跟踪偏差,展现出更强的抗扰动能力。在初始位置偏差的情形下,TSC-ALOS相较于ALOS和LOS算法的平均横向跟踪偏差分别降低了24.6%和36.8%。【结论】TSC-ALOS算法在多种复杂环境下均表现出卓越的制导性能,尤其在应对环境干扰和位置偏差方面优势明显,为无人艇自主航行系统的研发提供了重要技术支持,同时为进一步优化算法提供了研究方向。


    Abstract: Objectives To address the challenge of path-following for Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) in complex environments, including wind speed variations and initial position deviations, this study proposes an Time-varying Sideslip Compensation Adaptive Line-of-Sight (TSC-ALOS) guidance algorithm. The aim is to enhance the accuracy and stability of USV path-following under varying environmental disturbances. Methods The TSC-ALOS method dynamically compensates for the sideslip angle changes caused by time-varying environmental disturbances, using real-time wind measurement data. By optimizing the desired heading angle through sideslip compensation, the algorithm improves the robustness and adaptability of USV guidance. A series of numerical simulations were conducted in practical sea environments to evaluate the performance of the TSC-ALOS algorithm under various scenarios, including no-wind, fixed-wind, and random-wind conditions. The algorithm’s performance was compared with the Adaptive LOS (ALOS) and traditional LOS algorithms in terms of key metrics such as lateral tracking error and heading stability. Results Simulation results demonstrate that under no-wind conditions, both TSC-ALOS and ALOS achieved significantly better path-following performance compared to traditional LOS, particularly in turning scenarios. In fixed-wind (8.37 m/s and 16.73 m/s) and random-wind environments, TSC-ALOS exhibits greater robustness by significantly reducing lateral tracking errors compared to ALOS and LOS. Specifically, when initial position deviations are present, the TSC-ALOS algorithm reduce average lateral tracking errors by 24.6% compared to ALOS and by 36.8% compared to LOS. Furthermore, TSC-ALOS shows superior heading stability and path-following accuracy under sharp turning and strong wind disturbances. Conclusions The TSC-ALOS algorithm provides significant advantages over traditional LOS and ALOS algorithms in various operational environments, particularly under complex and dynamic conditions. Its ability to dynamically compensate for sideslip angle changes improves the tracking accuracy and stability of USVs, ensuring safe and reliable navigation. This research contributes to the development of autonomous navigation systems for USVs and aligns with international maritime safety and performance standards such as those set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Future research directions include further optimization of the algorithm for broader applications, such as multi-USV cooperative navigation and real-time collision avoidance in congested waterways.


