
Evaluation of dynamic stability safety for damaged ships under wind and waves

  • 摘要:
    目的 为有效评估破损舰船在风浪中的稳性安全,提出一种基于横摇运动响应极值预报的评估方法。
    方法 首先,以DTMB 5415舰船标模为研究对象,计算典型破损工况下舰船的静稳性参数;其次,构建横风横浪联合作用下破损舰船的单自由度横摇运动方程,使用CFD方法获取横摇阻尼系数,计算风浪中破损舰船的横摇运动响应;最后,结合蒙特卡洛方法和Gumbel方法,预报破损舰船在不同风浪条件下的横摇运动响应极值分布,评估船舶的动稳性安全,并与基于极限动倾角的动稳性评估方法进行对比分析。
    结果 结果显示,所提方法充分考虑了波浪参数(有义波高、波浪周期)对舰船动稳性安全的影响,相比基于极限动倾角的动稳性评方法更全面。
    结论 所做研究能为破损舰船稳性评估提供重要参考。


    Objectives For assessment of the dynamic stability of damaged ship under actions of wind and waves, existing methods quantify the impact of waves on ship stability via the resonance angle, which presents certain limitations when evaluating the survivability and anti-sinking capability of damaged ships in real environments. In this work, a novel method is proposed to evaluate the dynamic stability of damaged ship in waves, based on the extreme value analysis of the roll motion responses.
    Methods Firstly, the static stability of the DTMB 5415 under typical damage conditions is evaluated. Secondly, a single-degree-of-freedom roll motion equation for a damaged ship under the combined action of wind and waves is constructed, in which the roll damping coefficient is obtained using the CFD method. Then the roll motion response of the damaged ship is calculated by using the numerical method. Finally, the Monte Carlo method and the Gumbel method are applied to predict the extreme roll motion response for the damaged ship under varying wind and wave conditions, the dynamic stability safety of the ship is evaluated and compared with the results obtained through the dynamical upsetting angle.
    Results It is found that the influence of the wave parameter such as significant wave height and wave period on the dynamic stability of the damaged vessel can be considered in the proposed method. Therefore, it provides a more comprehensive consideration for the dynamic stability than the traditional method based on the dynamical upsetting angle.
    Conclusions The research conducted can provide important reference for evaluating the stability of damaged ships.


