
Research on impact response pattern of compressors with cracks based on cohesive element method

  • 摘要:
    目的 旨在探究含裂纹舰载设备在水下非接触爆炸冲击载荷下的响应规律。
    方法 以某型舰载燃气轮机的压气机部件为研究对象,开展无裂纹压气机冲击试验,并提出一种基于内聚力单元的时域模拟方法对含裂纹压气机开展冲击响应规律研究。
    结果 结果表明,支承腿是压气机的薄弱环节。当单个支承腿断裂时,机匣结构与转轴结构应力峰值相比无裂纹时分别增加了17.01%和17.06%,压气机的支撑结构应力峰值可达215 MPa;当多支承腿开裂时,机匣结构和转轴结构随支撑腿断裂数量的变化不明显,但支承结构应力峰值随支撑腿断裂数量的变化呈现先增大后减小的规律,且压气机在两个支承腿同时开裂时,应力响应最大,可达283 MPa。
    结论 研究结果对含裂纹舰载设备的冲击响应规律研究具有重要的指导意义。


    Objective This paper aims to explore the shock response law of ship-borne equipment with cracks under the impact load of underwater non-contact explosion.
    Method Taking the compressor component of a certain type of shipborne gas turbine as the research object, an impact resistance test of the crack-free compressor is carried out. A time-domain simulation method based on the cohesive element is then proposed to study the impact response law of the cracked compressor.
    Results The results show that the support legs are the weak links of the compressor. When a single support leg fractures, the stress peaks of the casing and shaft structures increase by 17.01% and 17.06% respectively compared to those without cracks, and the stress peak of the support structure of the compressor reaches 215 MPa. When multiple support legs fracture, the changes of the casing and shaft structures with the number of broken support legs are not obvious, but the stress peak of the support structure first increases and then decreases with the number of broken support legs. When two legs of the compressor crack simultaneously, the stress response is the greatest, with a peak value of 283 MPa.
    Conclusion The results of this study have important guiding significance for research on the shock response laws of shipborne equipment with cracks.


