
Adaptive surge control of variable-mass unmanned surface vehicle based on super-twisting sliding mode observation

  • 摘要:
    目的 为实现对变质量无人艇在各类载荷投放任务下的精准控制,提出一种适用于质量与吃水均发生未知改变情况的变质量无人艇航速自适应控制方法。
    方法 以吃水及其高阶项为自变量,对变质量无人艇操纵运动模型中,质量、吃水,以及各水动力导数项间的耦合影响关系进行解析表达。针对变质量无人艇各运动状态量与其吃水项的高相关性,设计超螺旋滑模观测器对变质量无人艇的未知吃水与质量进行观测估计,并通过李雅普诺夫理论证明观测器的有限时间稳定。基于解耦后的变质量无人艇操纵运动模型,设计航速自适应控制算法,结合超螺旋滑模观测器的观测值与控制误差对自适应控制律实时更新,根据李雅普诺夫方法验证控制系统的整体稳定性。最后,针对变质量无人艇载荷投放任务场景,开展若干工况下的仿真实验。
    结果 结果表明,所设计的吃水观测算法可实现对变质量无人艇吃水与质量的精准观测。在载荷发生阶跃变化与连续变化等典型工况下,该变质量无人艇航速自适应控制算法均可实现对目标航速的稳定跟踪。
    结论 研究表明,所提控制算法可适用于变质量无人艇的各类典型控制工况。


    Objective This paper presents a novel approach to the precise control of variable mass unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) during payload deployment tasks, addressing the control challenges caused by unpredictable variations in both mass and draught. The primary objective is to propose an adaptive control method that can effectively adapt to these unknown variations in mass and draught, thereby ensuring the stable and reliable operation of the USV under complex and dynamic mass conditions.
    Method First, regarding to the motion modeling of variable-mass USVs, this study analyzes the impact mechanism of mass variations on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the vehicle. It also analyzes how these variations, through changes in the parameters of the dynamic model, affect the vehicle's motion state. To address the issue that current controller design models are insufficient in analytically and intuitively representing this coupling influencing process, we use the draught term as the reference variable. The progressive coupling relationships among draught and the mass term, added mass term, added moment of inertia term, and various hydrodynamic derivatives are systematically analyzed. Based on this analysis, the mathematical model for the maneuvering motion of the variable-mass USV is then constructed. Secondly, to design an effective estimation method, a super-twisting sliding mode observer is proposed for estimating the unknown draught and mass of the variable-mass USV. This method is based on an analysis of the coupling relationships between mass variations and the vehicle's motion state and control inputs, as described in the maneuvering model of the USV. Subsequently, addressing the motion control problem of variable-mass USVs under unknown mass variations, we propose an adaptive speed control strategy based on the sliding mode observer. Specifically, leveraging the maneuvering motion mathematical model of the variable-mass USV and the draught observations from the sliding mode observer, a feedback linearization method is used to design the adaptive speed control algorithm. The asymptotic stability of the proposed control algorithm is proved using the Lyapunov theory.
    Results A series of simulation experiments are conducted to validate the proposed method. In the mass step-change observation experiment, the super-twisting sliding mode observer demonstrates satisfactory performance. Compared to the traditional sliding mode observer, the average observation errors of the draught and mass are significantly reduced by 43.75% and 43.76%, respectively. Furthermore, it shows rapid convergence when mass changes occur suddenly. In the continuous mass change observation experiment, the observer also performs excellently, exhibiting fast convergence and high accuracy, thus demonstrating significant advantages compared to the traditional observer. The speed control experiments reveal that the designed adaptive speed control algorithm can stably track the target speed under both mass step-change and continuous-change conditions. Although it may require slightly more adjustment time compared to the traditional Backstepping controller, it offers significant advantages in handling variations in mass and draught, achieving superior control performance. In the environmental disturbance experiment, while the adaptive control algorithm maintains stable speed control, demonstrating a certain degree of robustness, it also highlights the need for further improvement in the draught observation method to enhance its disturbance rejection capabilities.
    Conclusions The control algorithm proposed in this paper is well-suited for control scenarios involving unknown mass variations, such as payload launch or agricultural dispensing operations. Future research should focus on mitigating the impact of external environmental disturbances on observation accuracy and enhancing the robustness of the observation algorithm to better handle such disturbances.


