
Design of a compact four-trap UWB-MIMO antenna

  • 摘要:
    目的 为解决舰船通信装置安装空间受限、其他装备干扰信号导致通信效率低的问题,提出一种紧凑型四陷波UWB-MIMO天线。[方法]将梯形进行裁剪和添加,接地板引入改进的波纹I形去耦结构,整体尺寸为 36 mm×22 mm×1.6 mm。通过在辐射贴片上刻蚀倒U形狭缝、L-n形狭缝,在馈线旁左侧引入C形寄生枝节,在右侧引入U形寄生枝节,实现WLAN(5.15~5.85 GHz)、IEEE INSAT/Super-Extended C频段(6.1~6.53 GHz)、X频段(7.37~7.8 GHz)和无线电导航(RN)频段(9.15~9.7 GHz)共4个频段的陷波。
    结果 仿真与测试结果表明,该天线工作频段为2.9~10.7 GHz,隔离度大于20 dB,包络相关系数Tecc<0.02。
    结论 所提天线在各方面特性良好,可以广泛应用于舰载无线通信设备中。


    Objective A compact four-trap UWB-MIMO antenna is proposed to solve the problems of limited installation space of ship communication devices and low communication efficiency due to the interference of signals from other equipment.
    Methods The trapezoidal antenna is constructed by cutting off a part of one side of the trapezoidal shape, adding a part of the other side as a radiating patch, and introducing an improved corrugated I decoupling structure on the ground plate, with the overall dimensions of 36 mm×22 mm×1.6 mm. By etching inverted "U" slits and "L-n" slits on the radiating patch, introducing "C" parasitic branches on the left side and "U" parasitic branches on the right side next to the feeder, the structure is able to realize WLAN (5.15-5.85 GHz), IEEE INSAT/ Super-Extended c-band (5.15-5.85 GHz) and IEEE INSAT/ Super-Extended c-band (5.15-5.85 GHz) applications. Super-Extended c-band (6.1-6.53 GHz), x-band (7.37-7.8 GHz), and radio navigation (RN) band (9.15-9.7 GHz).
    Results The simulation and test results show that the antenna operates in the frequency band from 2.9 to 10.7 GHz, with isolation greater than 20 dB, and envelope correlation coefficient ECC < 0.02.
    Conclusions The data indicate that the antenna is well characterized in all aspects and can be widely used in shipboard wireless communication equipment.


