
Application of the Discrete-Module-Beam hydroelasticity method with the NSGA-II algorithm in the connector optimization problem

  • 摘要: 【目的】在离散模块梁单元(DMB)框架下,提出针对多模块浮箱型海上漂浮式光伏平台连接件刚度的基因编码方式,使用遗传算法处理连接件刚度优化问题。 【方法】首先介绍DMB水弹性分析方法,给出连接件刚度矩阵的形式并简述水弹性响应的数值建模方法;接着给出线性加权遗传算法和非支配排序遗传算法的求解步骤;接着给出刚度编码的实数码、指数码和科学记数码三种基因编码方式及其对应的交叉和变异算子并进行对比;引入等效零刚度和等效无穷刚度进一步缩聚解空间。 【结果】使用NSGA-II算法求解得出了最大结构剪力最小和最大结构弯矩最小的Pareto前沿,同时证明该Pareto前沿可以视作线性加权法得到的不同权重设置对应最优解的集合。 【结论】所述优化理论模型可以对浮箱型多模块平台针对连接件刚度进行多目标优化。


    Abstract: Objectives In the framework of the Discrete-Module-Beam (DMB) method and based on the genetic algorithm, a encoding technique is proposed to specifically deal with the connector stiffness optimization problem of modular box-pontoon-type offshore floating photovoltaic (OFPV) platform. Methods The DMB method is first introduced where the connector stiffness matrix is given and recovery of hydroelastic behaviour is illustrated. The genetic algorithm is then introduced including the weighted sum method and the non-dominated sorting II method. Three encoding techniques, that is, real encoding, exp-encoding and sci-encoding, and their crossover operator and mutation operator are elaborated. The equivalent zero stiffness and equivalent infinite stiffness are proposed to further refine the solution space. Results The NSGA-II algorithm gives the Pareto front under two objectives, i.e., minimizing the maximum structural shear force and minimizing the maximum structural bending moment. It is also proved that the Pareto front could be viewed as a set of results given by the weighted sum method under different weight combinations. Conclusions The developed numerical model is able to perform multi-objective-optimization on the connector stiffness of modular box-pontoon-type OFPV.


