
The Influence of Carbon Fiber Layer Position on the Low-Velocity Impact Characteristics of Biaxial Carbon/Glass Hybrid Laminates for Yachts

  • 摘要:
    目的 针对游艇关键部位的抗冲击需求,探究不同铺层形式碳/玻纤维混杂层合板的低速冲击特性,以期突破以往单一材料结构的性能局限。
    方法 依据ASTM D7136M-05标准,针对实际游艇结构中应用的碳/玻混杂铺层形式,制备层合板进行落锤冲击试验;融合Hashin失效准则与能量衰减演化方案构建Vumat子程序,对层合板的低速冲击过程进行精细化数值模拟;设计6种不同混杂形式层合板,从冲击峰值、吸收能量、损伤形貌等方面对其冲击损伤特性进行分析,并重点研究碳纤维位置对冲击特性的影响。
    结果 分析发现,对于原始铺层冲击试样,其冲击峰值和吸收能量分别为5.54 kN和8.98 J,对应的数值仿真误差分别为9.7%和4.6%,验证了仿真模型的有效性。分析碳纤维位置影响发现:(C2G2)S型层合板展现出显著的抗低速冲击优势,其吸收能量值较其他铺层形式最大可提升34%,基体损伤体积是(G2C2)S型的1.4倍,而最大变形则较(G2C2)S型缩小了8%。
    结论 研究证实了所构建的仿真模型能够精准模拟碳/玻纤维混杂层合板在低速冲击下的力学行为,而且揭示了不同铺层组合对层合板低速冲击特性的影响机制。研究成果为碳/玻混杂纤维复合材料结构的抗冲击性能优化提供了科学参考,对于推动游艇结构复合材料的创新应用具有积极意义。


    Objectives In consideration of the potential low-velocity impact risks faced by yachts during navigation, particularly in critical structural parts such as the bow and hull sides, higher requirements are imposed on the impact resistance of materials. The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanical response of different carbon/glass fiber hybrid laminates under low-velocity impact, in order to break the limitation of traditional single-material structures in terms of impact resistance, and provide a new idea for lightweight and high-strength design of yacht structures.
    Methods In accordance with ASTM D7136M-05, carbon fiber and glass fiber commonly used in the actual yacht structures were selected to design and prepare carbon/glass fiber hybrid laminates with the size of 150 mm x 100 mm as test objects. A drop-weight impact tester was employed to conduct low-velocity impact tests, simulating the potential low-velocity impact scenarios that yachts may encounter in real-world operating environments. Furthermore, to gain a deeper understanding of the damage mechanisms during impact, a high-precision Vumat subroutine was developed by integrating the Hashin failure criterion and an energy dissipation evolution scheme. This subroutine was utilized to perform detailed numerical simulations of the low-velocity impact process of the laminates. Six laminates with different layup forms were designed, and their impact damage characteristics were analyzed in terms of peak impact force, absorbed energy, and damage morphology. The influence of carbon fiber position on the impact properties was specifically investigated.
    Results Through a comparison of numerical simulations and experimental results, it was found that for the original laminate impact specimen, the peak impact force and absorbed energy were 5.54 kN and 8.98 J, respectively, with corresponding numerical simulation errors of 9.7% and 4.6%, which verified the validity of the simulation model. The analysis of the influence of carbon fiber position reveals that: the (C2G2)S is found to exhibit significant advantages in impact resistance. Compared to other lay-up configurations, the (C2G2)S has the highest absorbed energy value, with an increase of up to 34%, indicating its superior ability to absorb and dissipate impact energy during the impact process. Although its matrix damage volume is 1.4 times that of the (G2C2)S, its maximum deformation is reduced by 8%, which further proves that (C2G2)S has excellent deformation resistance while maintaining high toughness.
    Conclusions Through the experimental-simulation synergy approach, this study not only validates the accuracy of the simulation model built for simulating the low-velocity impact behavior of carbon/glass fiber hybrid laminates, but also reveals the influence mechanism of different layup combinations on the impact resistance. These research findings provide a solid scientific basis for the optimal design of yacht composite structures, the formulation of impact protection strategies, and engineering applications. They hold significant theoretical guidance and practical application value for promoting innovation and development of yacht structural materials.


