
Event-sampled adaptive neural automatic berthing control of underactuated vessels under malicious attacks

  • 摘要:
    目的 针对具有内外不确定性以及遭受虚假数据注入(FDI)攻击的欠驱动船舶靠泊控制系统,研究一种基于网络资源的自适应靠泊控制策略,以提高系统的鲁棒性和控制精度。
    方法 首先,利用微分同胚变换建立欠驱动船舶在FDI攻击下的等价运动模型,解决船舶欠驱动特性带来的设计难题。其次,基于事件触发控制(ETC)思想,在传感器−控制器(S-C)通道引入非周期性事件采样机制(ESM),以船舶靠泊位置和速度误差为触发条件,采样船舶动态信息,减少网络通信负担并抑制攻击信号进入闭环系统。进一步地,基于预设性能控制(PPC)方法引入新的误差变换,解决船舶偏航角和速度约束问题,提升靠泊精度和稳定性。此外,结合径向基函数(RBF)神经网络和单参数学习法,将动态不确定性和未知时变扰动以线性参数化形式表示,简化工程计算,并在反步法框架下设计自适应神经网络靠泊控制器,以及基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论分析系统的稳定性。最后,通过Simulink仿真验证所提控制算法的有效性。
    结果 结果表明,所提出的靠泊方案能够确保船舶姿态和速度稳定趋近于0,采样次数分布在69~347次之间,显著降低了攻击信号对控制性能的影响,验证了方案的有效性和优越性。
    结论 该控制策略形式简单、鲁棒性强、精度高,具有良好的工程适用性,为网络环境下欠驱动船舶的自动靠泊控制提供了新的解决方案。


    Objective This study addresses the adaptive automatic berthing control problem for underactuated vessels, considering both internal/external uncertainties and false data injection (FDI) attacks. The objective is to develop a control strategy that efficiently utilizes network resources while ensuring robustness against cyber-attacks.
    Methods First, an equivalent motion model for underactuated vessels under FDI attacks is established using differential homeomorphism transformation, addressing design challenges posed by the vessels' underactuated nature. Second, on the basis of the idea of event-triggered control (ETC), an event-triggered sampling mechanism (ESM) is introduced in the sensor-controller (S-C) channel. This mechanism uses berthing position and velocity errors as trigger conditions to sample dynamic vessel data, thereby reducing network communication load and mitigating the impact of FDI attacks on the closed-loop system. Third, a new error transformation based on prescribed performance control (PPC) is introduced to enhance berthing accuracy and stability by addressing yaw angle and velocity constraints. Additionally, radial basis function (RBF) neural networks combined with single-parameter learning methods are employed to represent dynamic uncertainties and unknown time-varying disturbances in a linear parameterized form, simplifying engineering calculations. Within the backstepping framework, an adaptive neural network controller is designed, and its stability is evaluated using Lyapunov theory. Finally, simulations are conducted in Simulink to validate the proposed control algorithm.
    Results The proposed control scheme ensures stable convergence of the vessel's attitude and velocity to zero, with sampling times ranging from 69 to 347. The results demonstrate that the influence of attack signals on control performance is significantly reduced, confirming the scheme's effectiveness in reducing communication load and resisting FDI attacks.
    Conclusions The proposed strategy is simple, robust, and precise, with strong applicability in practical engineering scenarios. It provides a new approach for the automatic berthing control of underactuated vessels in networked environments.


