
Design and decoupled motion control study of bio-inspired robotic remora

  • 摘要:
    目的 受鮣鱼吸附机制的启发,设计具有吸附功能的仿生机器鱼,通过吸附于宿主实现低能耗、远距离、大范围的航行,弥补传统仿生机器鱼续航时间短的缺点。
    方法 以鮣鱼为仿生对象,设计一种三维运动解耦、机动性能高、垂向运动响应速度快的仿生鮣鱼。采用线驱动鱼尾结构实现推进效率高的水平面运动,基于胸鳍拍动实现解耦、垂向运动响应速度快的升潜运动。同时,采用中枢神经控制器实现高仿生度的游动姿态以及平滑的运动模式切换控制。设计自抗扰航向控制器,实现仿生鮣鱼在模型不确定性和环境扰动下的鲁棒、快速以及精确的航向控制。最后,在水池中开展仿生鮣鱼的游动、升潜以及航向控制试验。
    结果 结果显示,所设计的仿生鮣鱼具有机动性能高、响应速度快的三维解耦运动能力,最大游动速度为0.17 m/s,最大升潜速度分别为0.095和0.0995 m/s,并且所设计的自抗扰航向控制器能够在10 s内完成对期望航向的快速高精度跟踪,性能优于PID控制器。
    结论 所提的三维运动解耦仿生鮣鱼机器人设计方案完成了解耦运动性能测试和航向自主控制试验验证,可为后续仿生鮣鱼完成自主吸附等更多的功能奠定基础。


    Objectives Inspired by remora, a robotic remora which can adhere to diverse hosts and travel with them for a long distance with low energy consumption due to the special adhesion ability, solves the problem of low endurance in the robotic fish.
    Methods A prototype with three dimensional motion decoupled, high mobility and responsive vertical motion is developed. Moreover, the wire-driven propulsion mechanism and pectoral fins diving mechanism are adopted to realize high mobility and decoupled motion. Besides, a central pattern generator is adopted to realize high biomimetic swimming posture and smooth switching of motion modes. An active rejection disturbance controller is developed to achieve robust, fast and precise heading control under model uncertainty and the environment disturbance. The swimming, diving and heading control experiments are conducted.
    Results The results indicate that the designed robotic remora owns the high mobility and responsive decoupled motion ability, with the max swimming speed of 0.17 m/s and max ascent and descent speed of 0.095 m/s and 0.099 5 m/s respectively. The designed heading controller can achieve fast and precise control, which is with better performance than the PID controller.
    Conclusions This study, which gives the design of the robotic remora and verifies the decoupled motion and the heading controller by experiments, lays the foundation for the auto adhesion of the robotic remora.


