
Numerical analysis on maneuverability of amphibious rescue boat in restricted waters

  • 摘要:
    目的 为研究限制水域中水陆两栖艇操纵性,提出一种操纵运动预报方法并对救援艇在近岸、浅水中的操纵性能进行研究。
    方法 采用基于CFD的操纵性能分析方法,通过CFD求解两栖艇水动力特性,通过操纵运动方程分析限制水域中两栖艇操纵性能。针对限制水域中两栖艇操纵性分析,自主开发四阶龙格库塔操纵运动方程求解器,对所开发的求解器进行验证并应用其分析救援艇在近岸及浅水中的回转性能及转艏纠偏能力。
    结果 结果显示,近岸距离减小到1.2B时,战术回转直径减小5.86%,回转性能提升,操纵灵敏性降低一半;水深降至1.2h/d时,救援艇的战术回转直径增大1.5倍,回转性能明显下降,而转艏滞后时间消失。
    结论 研究表明,采用所提方法可用于救援艇在限制水域中的操纵运动预报,适用于救援艇操纵性设计优化。


    Objectives To study the maneuverability of amphibious rescue boats in restricted waters, a method for predicting maneuvering motion is proposed and the maneuvering performance of rescue boats in nearshore and shallow waters is investigated.
    Methods A CFD-based maneuverability analysis method is adopted to solve the hydrodynamic characteristics of amphibious rescue boats and analyze their maneuvering performance in restricted waters through maneuvering motion equations. For the analysis of the maneuverability of amphibious rescue boats in restricted waters, a fourth-order Runge-Kutta maneuvering motion equation solver is independently developed, then verified and applied to analyze the turning performance and correction capabilities of rescue boats in nearshore and shallow waters.
    Results The results show that when the nearshore distance decreases to 1.2B, the tactical turning diameter decreases by 5.86%, the turning performance is improved, and the maneuverability is halved; when the water depth decreases to 1.2h/d, the tactical turning diameter of the rescue boat increases by 1.5 times, and the turning performance is significantly decreased, and the bow turning lag time disappears.
    Conclusions The results of this study indicate that the proposed method can be used to predict the maneuvering motion of rescue boats in restricted waters and is suitable for the optimization of the maneuverability design of rescue boats.


