
Domain knowledge-driven decomposition-based large-scale optimization for ship cabin structures

  • 摘要: 摘 要:在对船舶舱段结构进行精细化优化设计时,变刚度(即变腹板高、腹板厚等)桁材是必然选择。此时,舱段结构优化问题设计变量的个数将迅速增加,成为一大规模优化问题。【目的】本文基于分解优化框架,将专业力学先验知识与通用黑箱优化算法结合,提出先验知识驱动的船舶舱段结构分解优化算法。【方法】该算法将设计变量分为桁材的布局变量和尺寸变量,并依此将原问题分解为一系列低维子问题进行求解。基于各约束物理量的单调性和局部性,优先优化约束裕度大的子问题。所有布局变量分为一组,其对应子问题的目标函数为最小约束裕度最大化;每个桁材的尺寸变量单独分为一组,其对应子问题的目标函数为舱段结构重量。同时将求解子问题的通用黑箱算法引入代理模型来快速预测各特征物理量,并仅考虑约束代理模型的加点准则。【结果】本文算例结果表明,算法可以使本章舱段案例整体重量相较于上界值降低了43.5%。【结论】本文提出的算法相比于直接嵌套有限元的差分进化算法以及通用黑箱算法,优化效率更高,并且可以获得质量更好的优化解。


    Abstract: Abstract: When conducting fine-tuned optimization design for ship cabin structures, s longitudinal and transverse girders with variable stiffness are inevitably considered. This leads to a large number of design variables in the optimization problem for cabin structures. Objectives This paper proposes a domain-knowledge-driven large scale optimization algorithm for ship cabin structures based on a decomposition optimization framework that combines domain mechanical knowledge with general black-box optimization algorithm. Methods The proposed algorithm groups the design variables into location variables and size variables and decomposes the original problem into a series of low-dimensional subproblems. Due to the monotonicity and locality of each bending stress, shear stress and deformation constraint, the subproblems with larger constraint margins are prioritized for optimization. All of the location variables are grouped into one subproblem, and the corresponding subproblem's objective function is to maximize the minimum constraint margin. Each girder size variables are separately grouped, and the corresponding subproblem's objective function is the weight of the cabin structures. Additionally, a surrogate model is introduced to predict the constraints of each subproblem quickly, and the sample infill criterion is adopted only to the constraint surrogate model. Results The experiment results show that the algorithm can reduce the overall weight of the case in this work by 43.5% compared to the upper bound. Conclusions the proposed algorithm has a higher optimization efficiency and can obtain better optimization solution compared to both the differential evolution algorithm with directly using finite element method and general black-box optimization algorithm.


