
Longitudinal bending characteristics and design requirements of composite material superstructures

  • 摘要:
      目的  针对复合材料上层建筑总纵强度问题,采用有限元分析法开展复合材料上层建筑总纵弯曲特性与设计要求分析。
      方法  首先,分析不同长度、不同上层建筑材料等效弹性模量下简化船体模型纵向应变沿高度方向的分布规律,并利用二次函数对纵向应变分布进行非线性拟合;然后,基于拟合的结果提出复合材料上层建筑设计要求,并在结构形式与材料属性两方面对设计要求进行阐述;最后,根据弯矩有效度概念,在国军标的基础上提出不同长度、不同材料下上层建筑完全参与总纵弯曲的判定方法。
      结果  分析结果表明,常见的树脂基纤维增强复合材料能够满足上层建筑结构的总纵强度要求;超过0.3倍船长的复合材料上层建筑结构应当计入剖面强度和刚度校核。
      结论  所做研究可为未来我国复合材料上层建筑结构的水面舰船设计提供一定的参考价值。


      Objective  To tackle the problem of the longitudinal strength of composite superstructures, the finite element analysis method is used to study their longitudinal bending characteristics and design requirements.
      Method  First, an analysis is made of the longitudinal strain distribution along the height direction of a simplified hull model with different lengths and the equivalent elastic moduli of superstructure materials, and the quadratic function is used to perform nonlinear fitting. Second, the design requirements of composite superstructures are proposed based on the fitting results and explained in terms of both structural size and material properties. Finally, based on the concept of bending moment effectiveness and national military standards, a superstructure method with different elastic moduli and lengths is proposed that fully participates in longitudinal bending determination.
      Results  The results show that glass fiber and carbon fiber reinforced plastic reach the longitudinal strength requirements of superstructures, and composite superstructures longer than 0.3 times the length of the hull should be included in section stiffness checks.
      Conclusion  The results of this study can provide references for the future design of naval ships with composite materials.


