
Lightweight design of ship steering gear foundation

  • 摘要:
      目的  研究将结构优化设计方法运用于船舶基座轻量化设计的流程及其效果。
      方法  选用船舶常用舵机基座为研究对象,利用结构优化软件Hyperworks建立模型并进行优化设计。分析板厚对应力的灵敏度,通过将整体式基座改为柱状式基座并辅以尺寸优化以及拓扑优化手段,获取更为合理的基座形状、板厚分布以及减轻孔位置,从而最终获得最大的轻量化效果。
      结果  结果表明:将整体式基座改为柱状式基座,能使该型基座减重12.61%;进一步进行尺寸优化后,该型基座取得了36.6%的减重效果;进行更进一步的拓扑优化后,该型基座更是取得了减重37.7%的显著效果。
      结论  所提的轻量化设计流程和方法能为船舶辅助装置实际工程中的轻量化设计提供参考和思路。


      Objectives  This study focuses on the process and effects obtained in a lightweight ship foundation design using structural optimization methods.
      Methods  Choosing commonly used steering gear foundation as the study object, a FEM model is created in the optimization software Hyperworks, and the sensitivity of plate thickness to stress and weight is analyzed. By dividing the steering gear foundation into separate pedestals, assisted by methods of optimal size and optimal topology, more reasonable foundation shape, plate thickness distribution and lightweight hole locations are obtained, and the maximum lightweight effect is achieved.
      Results  The results show that a weight reduction of 12.61% compared to the initial foundation was achieved by dividing the integral foundation into separate pedestals, a weight reduction of 36.6% was achieved by size optimization, and a weight reduction of 37.7% was achieved by further topological optimization.
      Conclusions  The process and method of lightweight design given in this paper can provide references for lightweight application in the practical design of equipment foundations on ships.


